My life hit rock bottom when I had to bury my son. Five months later, I sent my husband off to war. Shortly thereafter, I brought our daughter into the world while he was off fighting in Afghanistan.

To say it was a tumultuous year would be an understatement.

I had to find a way to bring myself out of the dark times. Through my journey, I began to look for small ways to find happiness. Now I’d like to share that with you.

My hope with the Happiness Challenge is to help others find joy in the pursuit of perspective. ………And with that a passage from my new book, 15 Years of War:

“I had to make peace with the imperfections of others and let go of chaos.

The Marine Corps wasn’t going to change, so I decided I would imagine myself like water. I would move with the ebb and flow of our lifestyle. I would choose to surround myself with positive and inspirational people.

I leaned in and embraced my military community in a way I never had before.

From that point on, I chose to celebrate accomplishments and small moments. I looked for what really mattered in life.

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t let what we had been through destroy everything we had together.

I began to choose to be happy.”


Your Second Happiness Challenge:

In the next 7 days, speak with kindness. Many times we’ll admire something or someone and keep it to ourselves. Give others a compliment, reach out to someone you admire and let them know. Say that positive thought each time it enters your mind.

Remember, one kind word can change someone’s entire day.

Speak Kindly Happiness Challenge

Reflections from Week 1 Happiness Challenge:

Last week’s theme was to declutter and organize a small space. I received an email from a woman whose house had recently burned down and they lost nearly everything.

It was a moment that put my life in perspective once again. It reminds me of the saying, “There are people who’d love to have your bad days.” (Marilee — I tried to email you, but it got bounced back).

….Get out there this week and put some kindness into the world!